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Notable Nets

There are several nets in this region of Maine. Here are a few:

  1. Washington County ARES Net 147.330+(PL118.8) Cooper Mountain Repeater, Mondays at 1900
  2. DownEast Information & Emergency (Simplex) Radio Net 146.595mhz, based out of Milbridge. Tues 1830
  3. Hancock County EMCOMM Net 146.910-(PL151.4) Ellsworth, Tues 1900
  4. Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association On Air Meeting 147.030+ (PL100) Bar Harbor Wed 1900
  5. Hancock Barefoot Farms Net Wednesdays at 7:30pm on N1ARO repeater 146.835- PL 110.9
  6. Maine Ham Radio Society Net Thursdays 7PM on K1HF Marshfied Repeater 146.775 PL 192.8
  7. Maine Seagull Net 3940khz Mon thru Sat 1630 wintertime, then 1700 hours.
  8. Maine Public Service Net Sundays 0900 on or about 3940khz
  9. Maine HF Emergency Net on the 4TH Sunday Each Month 3.940MHz at 1630 (winter hours) and summertime at 1700
  10. Maine Slow Speed Net 3585khz Mon thru Fri 1800 hours
  11. Pine Tree Net. CW traffic net daily 3596 khz at 1900 hours
  12. Maine Dirigo DMR Net Sundays at 10 am, Maine Statewide.
  13. UFB New England Fusion Net Sundays at 7:30PM. Click here for details.