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Today is Tuesday. Here is the latest ham radio news Downeast Maine:
The Boat Anchor Hamfest will be a great place to buy, sell, swap used and new ham radio gear and other items. It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet your fellow hams in person and break the winter blues with some socializing and fun. It will be held Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8am until noon at the Club Calumet, 334 W River RD, Augusta, ME. Hamfest coordinator is George Szadis, K1GDI. Food and refreshments will be available.
Stay tuned for news on a Technician level class/study course that will be held most likely in March 2025. This will be a condensed version of the course I have instructed in prior years. I might pick a weekend or two to do it, via Zoom.
N1EP is also looking for hams willing to serve as mentors, or Elmers, to people needing help becoming hams, or licensed hams needing assistance getting on the air. Elmers' names, Calls, and region of Maine will be listed on the Elmer web site, but their contact info will not be listed. Instead, visitors to the web page will contact N1EP, and he will refer them to the appropriate mentor. Email n1ep@arrl.org if you can be an Elmer!